How can the use of financial tools lead to emancipation from public subsidies and private donations for small-scale organizations and network ? How can new forms of transparency and redistribution be obtained through the use of financial design ?
Part 1
- Langue : Anglais
- Conférence
- Kadist • Paris
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- Antonia Alampi and ILiana Fokianaki • Future Climates discusses its research program in Athens and introduces its next step towards constituting a core group for engineering a new small-scale nonprofit model to be adapted in places with weak infrastructures for arts and culture.
Presentation of short case studies
- Giulia Palomba will present the Cultural Cooperative Network deriving from Future Climate’s first chapter, an international circuit designed to facilitate social and economic relations between cultural actors and provide them with a common mutual aid fund, as well as with complementary payment and credit tools for self-management, self employment, and economic autonomy.
- W.A.G.E presents WAGENCY, a forthcoming initiative that will introduce new tools for self regulation into both the non-profit end for-profit sectors, in an effort to organize artists and institutions along with buyers and sellers of art, around a shared politics of labor.
Enregistré à Kadist dans le cadre de l'exposition State (in) concepts par Victor Donati le 23 novembre 2017. Mixé par Victor Donati.
Part 2
- Langue : Anglais
- Conférence
- Kadist • Paris
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Vermeir & Heiremans work at the intersection of contemporary art and finance markets. The artists will present « Art House Index », and discuss fragments of their film MASQUERADE a narrative on trust and confidence. The film focuses on the financialisation of the artists’ house, which in their practice they have defined as an artwork. MASQUERADE is live-edited through the actual performance of the Art House Index, a financial tool that measures the value of the « art house. »
Enregistré à Kadist dans le cadre de l'exposition State (in) concepts par Victor Donati le 23 novembre 2017. Mixé par Victor Donati.
Part 3
- Langue : Anglais
- Conférence
- Kadist • Paris
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Victoria Ivanova‘s presentation will focus on financial reorganization as a key battleground in fostering a more diverse and sustainable art ecology.
Enregistré à Kadist dans le cadre de l'exposition State (in) concepts par Victor Donati le 23 novembre 2017. Mixé par Victor Donati.
Entretien de Malcom Ferdinand pour le programme : Podcasts Afrotopiques et pour l'antenne : Afrotopiques
Une écologie décoloniale • Rencontre avec Malcom Ferdinand
- Langue : Français
- Conférence
- La Brèche • Paris
Conférence de Malcom Ferdinand pour le programme : Rencontres Afrotopiques et pour l'antenne : Afrotopiques